Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 3, Monday


Monday was a difficult and painful day for one of the riders. Jacob's wheel got caught in a bad spot on the road. He was right behind lead rider Dave Kleschold. Jacob flipped his bike in what initially looked like a very bad accident.

A driver passing by called 911 thinking that this was the result of a hit-n-run accident. An ambulance was on site in minutes. Jacob suffered from a skinned up leg, a badly bruised shoulder and a cracked helmet! Because the helmet was damaged the paramedics recommended that Jacob go to the hospital for tests (a fair distance away in Monterey).

Fortunately, all of the tests came back negative and Jacob was back at the Big Sur camp for dinner. Jacob is hoping to ride again on Tuesday.

By evening Dave was busy making repairs on Jacob's bike. Most notably was a badly damaged wheel.

Praise God for safety and excellent care on the trip. Keep praying for each of the rider's safety. Accidents like this a rare but they certainly can happen.

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